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IDB Statement on Gender Violence in the Venture Capital Industry
IDB Statement on Gender Violence in the Venture Capital Industry March 23, 2021

March is international women’s month, and there is no more appropriate time to highlight the importance of gender equality in the venture capital industry, one of the most important industries for the future of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).  Over the past decades, IDB Lab has worked hand-in-hand with our venture industry partners to advance a gender agenda, promoting equal opportunities for women in finance, business connections, and leadership.  We have also promoted the ethical treatment of women founders, entrepreneurs, and employees in the venture industry. 

Despite significant progress made over the past decade in the agenda for gender equality in the venture capital industry, it saddens us to note continued instances of the mistreatment of founders, entrepreneurs, and employees, and in particular violent or unethical acts against women. It is all too easy to dismiss instances of gender-based violence as exceptional occurrences, isolated to a specific organization or select individuals.  But this view glosses over the fact that these behaviors are still present across the industry. They persist when we allow them to, through silence, inaction, and apathy.  

IDB Lab calls on all of us in the venture industry to redouble our efforts to address the problem of gender-based violence in a systemic way.  At IDB Lab we re-commit to the application of the IDB code of ethics, a valuable tool that allows us as IDB employees and as an organization to hold ourselves to the highest standards of behavior.  We will also engage with our partners to explore new and creative ways to address the problem. 

Gender-based violence is an abhorrent practice that can be eliminated if we come together to address it.  As a member of the venture capital industry, we look forward to continued partnership with fund managers, entrepreneurs, investors, industry groups, and other partners, to move the agenda of gender equality forward. 

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