Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is a young region, where people over 60 years of age represent - on average - 11% of the total population. However, it is expected to experience the highest rate of population aging in the world in the coming decades.
The aging of LAC will bring great challenges for the region, and at the same time great opportunities for economic development derived from a more productive longevity.
In order to create synergies and greater integration among those working in the Silver Economy, the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB) offers this space to share the latest in financing, knowledge and connection.
Through the "silver economy", senior citizens are a source of business for the private sector. Financial inclusion of this growing population segment will create opportunities throughout the region
Did you know that people over 60 years old account for more than 50% of total consumer spending in several industrialized economies? This population segment is becoming a driver of employment, growth, and innovation.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) with its innovation laboratory, IDB Lab, has announced the results of the Silver Economy Innovation for Inclusion Challenge.
A Mapping of Actors and Trends in Latin America and the Caribbean
Aging as an Opportunity for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Inclusion
Human resources are essential to ensure the quality of long-term care. Yet, there are many things we do not know about the wellbeing, the working conditions, and the training of the caregivers for older people
According to United Nations estimates, in the next 30 years, the number of people over the age of 65 will double from 750 million today to more than 1.5 billion
El sector de los cuidados de larga duración es una parte importante de la economía plateada
En este informe se analiza el potencial de la Economía Plateada en Argentina, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay, centrándose en la cuantificación de la canasta de consumo de las personas mayores de 50 años
Este informe contribuye a la comprensión y gestión de la longevidad y las nuevas realidades intergeneracionales en Colombia, España, México, Perú y Uruguay
Esta publicación nace como iniciativa de brindar al mercado peruano una herramienta de consulta y práctica que apoye a toda persona de 50 años o más, que está pensando en emprender o desee potenciar su emprendimiento actual
IDB Lab and Partners Launch of Telemedicine Pilot Project in Panama
“Yo estaba muy negativa. Me pasaba el día sola en mi casa y no hacía más que quejarme del dolor”, nos cuenta Amelia. “Pero una vez que ingresé me he ido recuperando
Tiene como objetivo dar a conocer los desafíos y oportunidades que ofrece la economía plateada. Durante cuatro episodios se presentan casos de éxito y se da voz a expertos y actores que respaldan los esfuerzos de la comunidad de economía plateada, con el fin de continuar atrayendo a más actores innovadores y comprometidos con el impacto social para maximizar sinergias
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